How To Delete Your Story On Snapchat?

Snapchat is a popular social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours? If you’ve posted a story on Snapchat that you no longer want to be visible to your followers, you can easily delete it. In this blog, we will guide you on how to delete your story on Snapchat.

How To Delete Your Story On Snapchat?

Step 1: Open Snapchat

Open the Snapchat app on your smartphone and log in to your account.

Step 2: Access Your Stories

On the Snapchat home screen, swipe left to access your stories. Your story will be displayed at the top of the screen.

Step 3: Tap The Three Dots

To delete your story, tap on the three dots located at the top right corner of the screen. This will open a menu of options.

Step 4: Select Delete Story

From the options menu, select “Delete Story.” Snapchat will prompt you to confirm your action. Tap “Delete” to confirm that you want to delete your story.

Step 5: Confirm Deletion

After tapping “Delete,” your story will be deleted from your account, and your followers will no longer be able to view it. You will also receive a confirmation message that your story has been deleted.

It’s important to note that once you delete your story on Snapchat, it cannot be recovered. So, make sure you are certain you want to delete it before proceeding.

To figure out such kinds of things on DeleteBy


Can You Delete A Private Story On Snapchat?

Snapchat stories automatically delete after 24 hours, but you can also delete a Snapchat story at any time before it disappears. Keep in mind, however, that you can’t delete your entire story with one single button tap — you’ll have to go through each Snap individually and decide which to nix and which to keep.

What Happens If You Delete A Private Story On Snapchat?

If you deleted it right away before anyone viewed your story, then no, no one will be able to see it. If you posted something on your story and some people viewed it, after you delete it those same people will not be able to view it again.

How To Delete A Group?

Delete a group

  1. Sign in to Google Groups.
  2. Click the name of a group.
  3. On the left, click Group settings. Delete group.
  4. Click Delete group.
  5. Click OK to confirm.

How Do You Delete A Group Chat?

If you want to remove the group text from your messaging app entirely, you’ll need to take one more step. 4. After muting the group text, tap and hold the conversation again, then tap the “Delete” button in the bottom-right of the screen. 5.


In conclusion, deleting your story on Snapchat is a straightforward process that can be done in just a few clicks. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily delete your story and ensure that your followers can no longer view it.


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