How To Delete Skyrim Saves?

How To Delete Skyrim Saves? The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a popular role-playing video game that can be played on various gaming platforms, including PC, Xbox, and PlayStation. One issue that Skyrim players often encounter is how to delete their saved games. Deleting your saved games is a necessary task if you want to free up storage space on your gaming device or start a new game. In this blog, we will guide you through the steps to delete Skyrim saves.

How To Delete Skyrim Saves?

Step 1: Locate Your Saved Games

The first step in deleting your Skyrim saves is to locate where they are stored on your gaming device. The location of your saved games will depend on your gaming platform. Here are the locations for the most common gaming platforms:

Pc: C:\Users[Your Username]\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves

Xbox: System > Storage > Games and Apps > Skyrim > Saved Games

PlayStation: Saved Data Management > Skyrim

Step 2: Select The Saves You Want To Delete

Once you have located your saved games, select the saves you want to delete. You can select multiple saves by holding down the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard (PC) or selecting the saves individually (console).

Step 3: Delete The Saves

After selecting the saves you want to delete, right-click (PC) or press the “Options” button (console) and select “Delete.” Follow the prompts to confirm the deletion.

Step 4: Clear Your Recycle Bin (Pc Only)

If you are playing Skyrim on a PC, the deleted saves will be moved to your recycle bin. To completely delete them from your device and free up storage space, you’ll need to clear your recycle bin.

To figure out such kinds of things on DeleteBy


How Do You Delete Character Saves In Skyrim Pc?

In the game, you go into the Load Screen, in the pause menu. This is where there is a list of saves, and delete them one by one. It’s not the character menu that overlays you game in the screen, it’s the part where you save your game. On the console or PC, you can also delete it directly from the hard drive.

Is There A Way To Mass Delete Saves In Skyrim?

If you want to delete ALL saved data you could go to storage settings and delete all save games in one swoop, but otherwise it’s just one at a time. In the future, save over old files to keep some space as well as create new ones.

Should You Delete Old Skyrim Saves?

How risky is it? Don’t do that. Delete all but the last 3 or 4 saves. Technically, you could delete every save (because the game doesn’t constantly write to the most recent save file), but if you crashed right then and there you’d lose everything.

How Do I Delete A Save Switch In Skyrim?

How to Manage / Delete Game Save Data

  • From the HOME Menu, select System Settings.
  • Scroll down and select Data Management, then Delete Save Data.
  • Select the game title for which you want to delete the save data.


In conclusion, deleting your Skyrim saves is a simple process that can help you free up storage space and start a new game. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily locate and delete your saved games on your gaming device.


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